
可能大家在日本購物會喜歡到BIC CAMERA等連鎖店購買。其實一般電器行也是可以購買跟退稅的
剛好マサニ電気在大阪難波附近 也能退稅建議是用現金交易,刷卡會收3%手續費喔。

注文單 以下為格式

Purchase order

商品 型番・色・販売価格:
model no and corol :

※商品代÷1.08=免税価格(現金支払い)  商品代÷1.08x1.03=免税価格(クレジット カード支払い)
※商品本体金额÷1.08=免税价格(现 金价格,送费另)  商品本体金额÷1.08x1.03=免税价格(刷卡价格,送费另)  
當 你寄出本訂単後,本店恕不受理改變所訂產品 或取消訂單。
when we Received this Form from you , you can't change the products and cancel the order at all.
英 文全名
full name of english:
携帯 電 話
mobail phone no:
地 址
Address   in your country:
護 照號碼
Passport number:
抵 達日期(抵日)
Date of arrival:

来 店 日
what day will come to our shop :
出 發日期(離日)
Departure date:
航 空公司
航 班號
Flight number:
出 発時間
Departure time:
取貨 方法請 從以下列選擇… Please choose from the following ... 
 注 意 必 需在提貨4天前付清貨款 You need 4days from the payment  in any case 
 来店取 貨   当天付款 
sent to hotel 
 送 貨到飯 店   当天付款can not Cash on delivery shipping 
 we need The name of the reservation person and the reservation number 
sent to kansai air portyou need to pay shpping fee 1 box 1000 yen limit size is about 25KG.  height+wide+length=160cm
if good is over 26KG , you need to pay shiping and hold goods at kansai air port fee.
shipping fee is  over 1000yen ( depens  of how heavy ), hold goods at kansai air port fee is 1300yen.
you need to pay shipping fee at our shop .
you need to pay hold goods at kasai air port fee  at KABS in kansai air port by cash .
 送貨到關 西機場 (宅急便)必需在4天前発貨 您需要 支付保管費 日幣1000円 (到機場) 
 送货到您的国家     您需要付运费以及日本和当地银行的汇款手续费,汇款金额确认后送货
□  sent to in your coutry                             you need to pay shipping fee and bank fee .
                  海外へ発送                                             送料と銀行の手数料が別途かかります   
